Ok so I know that sounds a little dark, but hang in there with me.

Currently, I’m in the midst of planning my wedding… for a second time. Last year, we were one of those COVID weddings that got cancelled last minute and rescheduled a year out. We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel as April 17 approaches quickly. And we’re so damn excited.

If planning a wedding for a second time has taught me anything, it’s to celebrate whatever you can, wherever you are, however it may look. We spend so much time living day to day, we forget to look up and look back to see how far we’ve come, what’s happened for the better (or for the worse) and to pause and celebrate the tiny, little, beautiful, in between moments that fly by if we aren’t looking.

I was chatting with a coworker recently who is anxious and worried over his mother who is losing her memory at 80-years-old. Our conversation was a sobering reality check to both of us that this isn’t going to last forever. Humans are mortal. And that’s one of the hard facts of life for all of us. Eventually, this all will end. How will you live it? How will you remember it?

One of the best things to arise from 2020 was watching the creative ways us humans discovered to celebrate our loved ones. From Zoom parties to drive by's and endless special deliveries, there’s always a way to celebrate. We get caught up and think celebrating ourselves or others is pretentious, only to be saved for huge promotions, birthdays or anniversaries. Or weddings.

Let’s break that habit. Celebrate whatever you can, wherever you are, however it may look. Buy the card, pop the champagne, send the gift and gather with your loved ones. And don’t forget to celebrate yourself because we are ALL worth celebrating.

Can you find something within your life to celebrate? Is there someone in your community who could use a celebration? Don't wait, act.

Please feel free to share your answer with me in the comments below. It always feels good to write it out!


