Special Delivery: Sharing My Book with the Two Women It’s Dedicated To

Two weeks ago, I found a $108 round trip DIRECT flight to Jacksonville, FL and knew it was a sign. It's the home of my Nana and Grandbob, and I knew my mom would be there visiting them as well. I saw this as an incredible opportunity to deliver my book to the two women it's dedicated to in person! Although Allegiant assigned me "Zone 99 and Seat 0" I somehow made it (that's a funny story I shared on the pod this week).

I snuck in (thanks to the help of my Uncle Steve) through the backdoor to shock my mom and Nana who had no idea I was coming. And my mom is an avid checker of Find My Friends. I got lucky she was at an all-day pickle camp. Just mom things, ya know?

I really want this book to be successful, and there are a few ways I define, dream and am working on that. However, I know having the support and validation from the people I love, and who love me, is enough. Oh, and nothing was more surreal than having my Grandbob read my book back to me after YEARS of him reading to me and my siblings (check IG for the cutest throwbacks). What more can a girl ask for?

How do you define success and who do you need validation from? And why?


Cancer: The Wildfire that Ripped Through My Life


I Won a PINK E-Bike!