Why Don’t We Take Pride in Our Age?

As a kid, I was never a big birthday celebrator. My birthday often fell before school started, so I was bitter I didn't get my locker decorated or the chance to wear my favorite outfit and have everyone bow down to me with birthday attention. I also found it incredibly awkward to be on the receiving side of adults and kids alike singing "happy birthday" at you. Like... what do I do with my hands?

As I got older and started to hit significant milestones, I began having more fun with them. At 21, I got a tattoo (and went the bars, not on the same day). I turned 25 while camping in the Grand Canyon. And my girlfriend and I four-wheeled through Moab, Utah for my 29 birthday. I never understood why people hide their ages or say, "Oh I'm 49 for the third year in a row, hehehe." Why don't we embrace our age, wisdom and life long learning experiences?

Having cancer forces you to face a harsh reality, we will all die one day. How LUCKY are we to age, gain wisdom, fail, fall and keep moving forward, even if it is an inch at a time!? I'm a big advocate for celebrating your birthday and shouting your age from the rooftops! You did that!

On this week's "from the vault" episode, my podcast BFF, Viviana, and I talk about aging, entering our thirties and her podcast series, "A Journey Through the Decades." Viviana shares what she learned from interviewing someone from every single decade of life, from 7-years-old to 90-years-old!

Honestly, I just needed to word vomit my experience with mental health and chemo, so I did it on the podcast. It’s one of my most vulnerable episodes and I’m so proud how it turned out. I was able to gather my thoughts, journal entries and emotions in a way I think you’ll enjoy, relate to and be interested in. Listen here.

I dare you to plan something for your next birthday, whether it's a party, taking off work for the day or treating yourself... go celebrate YOU!

Please feel free to share your answer with me in the comments below. It always feels good to write it out!


I’m Doing My First Speaking Gig About Cancer


The Invisible Side Effects of Chemo