The Invisible Side Effects of Chemo

I spent much of this week looking back at journal entries in April... whew, what a very long month. End of March and April is when I really started to mentally and emotionally break down. The cancer marathon I'd been running went from an 8 minute miles pace to 10, to 12... and then a walk and then a pathetic dragging of my heels truly not giving a f*ck about this chapter of life I never asked to be a part of in the first place.

I was a guest on a the Transcend Podcast and I quoted lyrics from my girl, Taylor Swift, and her song "It's Time to Go," that so relate to what I was going through. And a great reminder that sometimes, quitting is ok.

Sometimes giving up is the strong thing
Sometimes to run in the brave thing
Something walking out is the one thing
That will find you the right thing

And you know in your soul
When it's time to go
So then you go, then you go
You just go

We've grown up believing the word "quit/quitter" is basically a curse word. And as those lyrics paint, nah man, sometimes the strong, brave and right thing to do is to walk away. In the midst of my suffering, I walked away from a lot of typical life commitments, closed my lemonade shop and stopped being the "happy go lucky I got this superwoman cancer" person I'd become. And I'm so glad I did.

Honestly, I just needed to word vomit my experience with mental health and chemo, so I did it on the podcast. It’s one of my most vulnerable episodes and I’m so proud how it turned out. I was able to gather my thoughts, journal entries and emotions in a way I think you’ll enjoy, relate to and be interested in. Listen here.

Is there something lingering in your life you need to walk away from? Remember, sometimes walking out is the one thing that will find you the right thing...?

Please feel free to share your answer with me in the comments below. It always feels good to write it out!


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