I Have the Best Cancer Cheerleaders Ever (A Digital Get Well Soon Card)

Honestly, this year has been truly nuts support wise. We got married after having to wait a year due to the pandemic, we bought a house, redid the house and then both Jacob and I turned 30. So at this point, we’ve been sent so many cards and gifts, I honestly wondered if when I announced this on social media there would be some skeptics… like damn bitch I already bought four $5.99 Hallmark cards for you and now I have to buy another!? And for fucks sake, now you have cancer? How can I not get you a card for that!?

Alrighty in all seriousness, no one has been skeptical and I have the lump to prove it.

A tip I do want to share, believe me, I know it’s weird/uncomfortable/scary when a close friend you love gets some pretty crazy news, like having cancer. And there are no right words to say to that person. I heard this on a podcast the other day and I highly agree with this comment. The podcaster said, “You may not have the right words, ability to buy flowers or be there with that person, but don’t disappear. Don’t just say nothing because you don’t know what to do.” Which I think is so true. The check-ins people have reached out and texted me have been so nice and lovely to know I’m on someone else’s mind and they’re sending me positivity, prayers and strength. The selfish part of me is glad I have this instead of Jacob, my mom or siblings, but I love them so much I’d be stressing the fuck out how to support or say or do the right things. Let me assure you, drop the stress. Just tell the person you love that you do love them. It means a lot. 

Now let’s get into some messages I’ve received. 

  • We’ll just start with the one that made me laugh the most… I told my friend Rob at work through text and his response was, “I will say cancer is fucked dealing with you! You are going to kick it’s ass big time!”

  • A few weeks ago friends and I were watching the Purdue game and I told my dad, “woo Purdue won” and he texts back… “Boiler up bitches! Take that Iowa! That’s what you’ll do to that tiny piece of cancer, kick it’s ass right back to where it belongs, which is no where near my girls!” I proceeded to read this aloud to my friends watching the game and we all died laughing.

  • A few people have shared this quote with me, “God will never give you more than you can handle.” This comes from a longer verse in the bible from Paul who tells us “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength but with your testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.”

  • And then a few more lovely notes… You are a warrior. If there’s anyone I know who’s as strong and badass enough to make cancer their bitch, it’s you. You’re so strong. You will beat this. You’ve got this. Life is tough, but so are you.

  • Someone on Facebook told me, “My mom had breast cancer at 29 and today she’s 83 taking kickboxing classes 3 days a week.” Goals. Period.

We have received many cards and even some gifts. Here’s some of the amazing things I’ve gotten that if you know someone, maybe you can get for them too.

  • We have to kick it off with the funniest gift, and I just got this one so you may have seen me talk about it on social media. The scales are tipping towards mastectomy for me, and in mastectomy’s, you’ll lose your nipples and the feelings with them. Jacob’s Aunt jenny, sends me a gift. I open it and the first thing I pull out is little candies called Nips. And then I pull out the second part of the gift, and it’s these bedazzled nipple/boob covers. TRULY AMAZING. Get it… the nips candy and the nipple covers!

  • My previous boss, Marty Posch, got me two beautiful books. The one I have dove into is called Dear Friend, Letters of Encouragement, Humor and Love for Women with Breast Cancer.

  • Four very regular members at Life Time who often never miss my Monday, 5:30 AM class, got together and gave me a card and gift card to a spa! 

  • My mom got me the Nod Pod weighted eye mask. I love it so much.

And soon enough… some fck cancer merch that is all in my Facing Fear branded style. Stay tuned.

If you have a friend going through something… don’t disappear. I challenge you to text them today.

Please feel free to share your action item with me in the comments below. It always feels good to write it out!


Fuck Cancer Merch is LIVE! And It's Not Cheugy
