Losing My Hair on International Women’s Day

Wow, a sentence I never thought I would write, let alone live through. I knew back in mid-January I would have to continue my fight against breast cancer via chemotherapy. Whether you're in the cancer world or not, we all know chemo = hair loss. I resisted accepting this reality until it was overwhelmingly obvious, my hair was a goner.

I found it quite ironic it really started to go a few days before one of my favorite holidays, International Women's Day (March 8). HOW is it possible I've already lost my breasts, and now I was facing the fear of losing my HAIR as a woman... on THIS day!?

But, such is life. It's uncontrollable. It's unpredictable. It can be surreal. And we have a choice, resist until our energy is depleted, or learn how to go with the flow and make champagne out of life's lemons. And that's what I've chosen to do.

What makes me a woman isn't my breasts, my clothes, my hair or make up, it's my spirit of resilience, confidence and ability to face fear... over and over.

Next time you feel like you're losing control of your life, ask yourself, when one door closes, how I can I find another to open?

Please feel free to share your action item with me in the comments below. It always feels good to write it out!


My Cancer Vision Board


It’s Game Day, Baby!